Our ladder is being installed section by section in about 10 hours.
Our Clients Include:
We have also conducted international consulting projects in Brazil, China, Romania, and Georgia.
In a partnership with Manchester University and the US Fish & Wildlife Service, BK-Riverfish’s modular 11 section, two-foot-wide by two-foot-high, 73-foot long steel Patent-Pending* Kynard Alternating Side Baffle Ladder (KASBL) was installed at Stockdale Dam in August 2017.
* Provisional Patent #62/433,762.
Our Partners Include:

BK-Riverfish is an enthusiastic director/educator and founder of Biocitizen’s Living Rivers School.
Biocitizen provides educational services within the field of environmental philosophy and offers ecological-based projects for students in the U.S. and in Chile.
See our work with Biocitizen’s Living Rivers School in action at: https://www.facebook.com/biocitizen/

BK-Riverfish is also…
BK-Riverfish is also a member of the following organizations: